glas n. neu. glass
glos n. neu. pi., see glas
hardfiskur n. m. hardfish/dried fish
(Icelandic specialty) (Okay Davis. Or Davies Dayvees Davey's Day-V's Deighviss Dayvis Deyvys Dievis Dieveys or)
ad keyra v2 to drive
midnaetti n. neu. midnight
ad na v5 (eg nae) to get, fetch
nesti n. neu. bagged lunch, provisions
ofbodslega adv. terribly
okkur pron. dat. pi. we (us) (And see, and see. And fortunately, Camilla! And old sparks sparking. Inexplicably, from dark mud. And chains of the e.g. world onion n. lauk/ur orange n. appelsin/a saying "o rite" orange adj. appelsinugul/ur /and signs of signs of warning plus spring
— ► hund-ar-rar the dogs
— ► skol-ar-ra> the schools
— ► bud-ir -nar the stores
— > stulk-ur-«ar the girls
— ► blom-m the flowers
— > eyr-u-w the ears
minn (my) and your ears: A warbling fills the air, pulsations.skol-i-fm minn my school
hund-ur-Zwf J)inn your dog
blom-f<? [fitt your flower \ pusillanimous sound of mourning, wailing, weeping. Apologies, Gerard, the house is filled today with a great gnashing of teeth. The valentine's fair has been postponed. Go home everybody, go home. Too many]
ad pakka vl to pack
raud adj. neu. pi. red
raudir adj. m. pi. red edges everywhere. Got lost down the blunt end of a telescope. You could've could've done it got it really. Going all out. A mendacious raudvinsflaska n.f. bottle of red wine samloka sleeper agents (in Spain n. f.
sandwich ad setja v3 to put
skal n. f. bowl skeid n.f. spoon
sokkur n. m. socks; a burnt sack of ideas, thought-words, encrusted wreckage, green bubbles. Edge of edge of old haunted house next to emotional turmoil woods. Depictions of scimitars, avarice, hectoring. a._) Her er sofi. Er betta binn? b. Her er tolva. Er betta bin? c. Her er lykill. Er betta binn? h. The blue-tinged, falling down, down, down, I go sometimes to the movies. Eg reyki aldrei sfgarettur.sometimes down into beyond ^Efingar- Exercises 1. Form the definite. outer harbour, inner, diameter. Situation of ruby miners stranded in Kent. Great Huxtable Her er tolva. Er betta bin? an alien village. supupakki n. m. instant soup
svefnpoki n. m. sleeping bag. Forresters, old Formica buckets
tannbursti n. m. toothbrush
ad tjalda vl to camp
tjald n. neu. tent
tjaldstaedi n. neu. camping site. entire geometries falling into, well, disuse
tunfisksdos n. f. can of tuna
um helgina during the weekend
utbua v5 to prepare
utilega n.f. camping trip
ad vanta vl to lack, to need
ad vera haegt to be possible
ad vera med to have (to own)
vettlingur n. m. mitten or the collective doubt of an entire species reduced to a single aei! interj. oh (no)! perfectly spherical, massed citizens lining the cliffs, daring each other to jump. Man! dolphins urging them on from the diamond sparkling. Remember that!
Eg er ad fara nordur. I’m going north.
Eg aetla vestur. I’m going west.
Eg aetla sudur a morgun. I’m going south tomorrow (this usually
implies to Reykjavik).
Sunsets in Crete and Ibiza and Normandy. ad aetla v/ to intend oruggara adv. comp, safer weird bedbugs eviscerating your skin at night ONLY at night, on all sides. Oblate spheroids (other ones), combing your hair backwards, doing yourself a right number.
lykill key
trefill scarf
gaffall fork
jokull glacier
lyklar keys
treflar scarves
gafflar forks
joklar glaciers
All sorts of stuff, member states plus flushing bogs, tree stumps (petrified) protruding from hard grey scatterings of burn marks from old lightnings.hund-ur -inn the dog
skol-i-#m the school
bud-m the store
stulk-a-« the girl
blom-f'd the flower
eyr-a-d the ear, the moon, sun, planets, the entire kit and caboodle, pretty much folded up and away, leaving only swarming bitter chunks: Her eru raudir vettlingar. Here are red mittens.
barna eru |)rju graen epli. Over there are three green apples and the feeling of a job completed, What are your interests? I’m interested in ... sports, music, chess, arts
If you recall when we learned the ********, the ******** was used when we could answer what? after the verb. In the sentence I give him a ********, you can say I give what? and answer a book but not all that well
Eg gleymi per aldrei. I will never forget you.
I>akka per kaerlega fyrir! Thanks a lot!